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He eventually landed acting jobs, including a year-long tour with the National Shakespeare Company. His early paying jobs included working as a security guard at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and handing out menus for a Mexican restaurant. In January 1994, Corddry moved to New York City. While at UMass, Corddry pledged the Theta chapter of Theta Chi fraternity. By his second year, he focused much of his attention on Drama classes and plays including Torch Song Trilogy, Ten Little Indians, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Romeo and Juliet, and Reckless. According to an interview in the UMass Amherst alumni magazine, Corddry initially planned to major in journalism but changed his major to English. Īfter graduating from Weymouth North High School (1989), Corddry went to the University of Massachusetts Amherst (1989–93). Corddry and his brother are both Eagle Scouts from Troop 19, located in Weymouth. He is the older brother of actor Nate Corddry.

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He is the son of Robin (née Sullivan) and Steven Corddry, who was a Massachusetts Port Authority official. Corddry was born and raised in Weymouth, Massachusetts.

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